"The great spiritual task is not to change people, but to help them change how they see themselves"
RegE Walker, Author

About the Book
Life Is Funny but It Ain’t No Joke recounts the spiritual journey of the author, who forgets his true identity and then mistakenly identifies with his mind as himself and experiences the dire consequences that inevitably follow. The author then takes you along with him as he courageously undertakes his own “hero’s journey.” His reawakening allows him to reclaim who he is in truth, and from his venture within he shares more than 125 of his original, healing, transformative wisdom sayings. These self-empowering pearls of wisdom are designed to help free you from the prison of your mind and its surrogate, the ego, so you can begin living your authentic life. This 2024 revised edition provides a more complete retelling of that journey to freedom.
About the Author
Reginald E. Walker is a spiritual guide, teacher and healer. He developed Mind Power, the first course of its kind offered at his alma mater, the University of Pennsylvania. He conducts self rediscovery & self development workshops and seminars for domestic and international organizations. The guiding principle of RegE's work is to remind us that we are spiritual beings clothed in human form. He lived with his family in Ghana, West Africa, and presently resides in his hometown, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, with his wife Gerri.

Christina Robertson, Ph.D.
Career Consultant & Author
Life is Funny but It Ain't No Joke takes the reader on a healing journey to "be One with Self." RegE Walker does not "deliver" readers to a destination, but provides "spiritual prompts" or "guideposts" in the form of Wisdom Sayings to consider. While the sayings may seem deceptively simple, each provides an opportunity for us to reflect upon our values, choices, and actions. In a world where many of us yearn to heal and reconnect with our true selves, this book is a gift to help us discover who we truly are. It will help us return home.
Thomas A. Gordon, PhD.
Psychologist and Leadership Coach
Folks say, "The truth will set you free." But so often, the actual "wake up" calls jarringly disrupt our familiar identities/routines, trigger "heartburn," and make us feel miserable. RegE's transformative offering, "Life is Funny but It Ain't No Joke," however, invites compelling but gentle "wake ups"—the better for more thorough absorption, digestion and practical uplift. To heal our great planetary, collective, and personal divides, he challenges us... to own the depths of our conditioned minds... Like all addicts, we resist this healing journey, fearing that there may not be life after the death and pain of releasing all that we have previously believed about the world and who we have believed we were in it. His "identity theft" concept prepares us to shift out of "conditioned" striving to outrun life's perpetual "problems" into the "wake up" of delivering and pursuing the life solutions we know we love and need.
Rev. Sheila E. Pierce
Founding Senior Minister, The Center of Peace, Centers for Spiritual Living
RegE Walker masterfully combines his ingenious writing style with his quick wit to bring us face to face with the realities of life. As you read "Life is Funny but It Ain't No Joke" you catch a glimpse of the gold that has always flowed through the core of his being. His own life experience, coupled with his courage to awaken, led him to this treasure trove of gems that appears before you. The "Wisdom Sayings" are pure Gold. For RegE, his awakening continues; for us, just like in the "hero's journey" he continues to bestow his blessings on all he meets along the way.